The Problem with “Fit”: On Words, Body Image, and Finding a Balance
Recall, if you can, 1991. That year, Linda Hamilton starred in Terminator 2 and got shredded for the part. I mean, rippling, sweaty...
Five Easy Ways to Build Pilates and Fitness Into Your Day
Time and again clients say that while they love how their spine feels after a Pilates session, they find that, a couple days afterward,...
Five Simple Fixes to Make Your Diet Stick
My clients do Pilates for a huge range of reasons. Some are hoping to alleviate back pain; others take it up to tone their core. A few...
Life with Chronic Pain: What Trauma is Doing to Your Body, and How to Fight Back
Recently, a photo series captured my attention. You may have seen the photos too: they are of young Scottish soldiers before, during, and...