Five Reasons To Be Thankful for Your Body This Thanksgiving

Now, more than ever, is a good time to remember the simple things to be grateful for. This year I want to thank my body for the hard work it does in allowing me to simply be. Consider the following five reasons to be grateful for your body – and have a lovely, healthy Thanksgiving.
Five Reasons To Be Thankful for Your Body This Thanksgiving
Your body is capable of tasting and digesting all the fantastic Thanksgiving food.
Your body is strong enough to embrace those you love and be embraced in return.
Your body can ask you to focus on just breathing, in and out, calming anxiety and anger…so you can get through dinner without fighting with your aunt about politics!
Your body is so used to exercising by now that it actually yearns for your Pilates class on Thanksgiving. (Right?)
Your body is a physical presence that allows you to experience and move throughout the world. Take a moment to honor and appreciate that.